Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Making Progress

Joshua has always been a very picky eater. Even when he was a little baby just starting solid foods, it was difficult to get him to eat. We had gotten into the very bad habit of making him his own separate dinner, usually comprised of either chicken nuggets, a hot dog or a grilled cheese. It has gotten to where that is all he will eat. There was a short time in there when he had gotten a little more adventurous, but that was short lived. We decided that we are done with all of that, and we want the habit to be broken by the time Ben is old enough for table foods. We think that Joshua needs to learn to eat what we are eating, so we have taken a pretty hard lined approach, giving him whatever we are eating, take it or leave it. It is also a benefit for us, because we end up eating a little healthier since we like him to get as many fruits and veggies in him as we can. For the first few nights, he ate most things but the main course (he loves fruits and veggies - even broccoli!). We have been able to coax him into a bite or two, but that's it. Then last night we had spaghetti. Josh decided he was going to eat it and did a great job. We're not sure if he tasted it and just really liked it, or if he is learning that if he doesn't eat what is in front of him, he doesn't eat. Whatever the reason, we were encouraged to see the progress. We'll see what tonight brings!

1 comment:

Mommy said...

Good luck! It seems I hear this story more and only want to eat the same thing over and over again....