Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Embryo Adoption

We have some dear friends, Todd and Jen Wright, who have struggled with infirtility for the last 5 years. A little over a year ago, God revealed to them His plan for their family. Embryo Adoption. I can't tell their story anywhere near as good as the lovely Jen, so please visit her blog here. You will be blessed by reading it, even if you don't personally relate to the struggles of infirtility. Jen and Todd have adopted 12 precious babies from a couple who had their family through in-vetro and wanted to give their remaining embryos a chance at life.

Jen and Todd were recently featured in a local news story about Embryo Adoption. Although it is just a snippit of their story, we are so excited and encouraged to see Embryo Adoption getting the attention it deserves, and so desparately needs, especially in light of the fact that we now have an administration in Washington that has no regard for the unborn. We pray that God continues to enlighten the world to this beautiful gift of life He has given us! Please take a few moments and watch this:

Life is precious. Life, as definied by God, the creator of life and therefore the only one capable of defining it, begins immediately upon fertilization. Just because a child isn't living and breathing outside the womb makes it no less a valuable person than you or I. I don't often do this, but I ask anyone who reads our blog and has a blog or any other way to repost this, that you please pass it on to help spread awareness of this all too well kept secret.


Jen said...

Thanks, Brenda. I'm so honored by your sweet words and by your friendship!

Mommy said...

Oh this is a good one! I will post this on my blog this week! I know this couple. They were in a class with us at church back in 2002 or 2003 I believe. I hope they get to be parents soon! They will be the BEST! God bless them!